Saving Grace Counseling specializes in treating individuals, couples and families and we offer comprehensive services dealing with a variety of issues. In addition to the six specialities described in detail on this page we also treat; depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, marital/couple conflict, parenting, infidelity, divorce, step family dynamics, trauma, abuse, grief, pregnancy loss, infertility and more.
Our counselors have been educated and trained in Family Systems Theory, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Emotion Focused Therapy. They are also trauma informed with upcoming training in specific trauma interventions with an understanding of how past traumas affect the present.
At SGC we are Christian counselors and approach every situation from a faith-based perspective. But even so, we don’t force our faith on anyone, and can include it with counseling as much or as little as the client desires. It is our belief that God is the ultimate healer and that He is the one who has the answers. As such, we rely on God’s Word for wisdom, guidance and direction in all our work with clients. We also regularly pray with clients but only if they are agreeable.
For additional information about our specialities and the services we offer read on…